

For branching, there is support for an if/else statement pair.

if <ret> cond <then> then_expr else else_expr


if true {
  // do something
} else {
  // do something else

if a == b then
  // do something
  // do something else

if ret foo.cond {
  ret "foo"
} else {
  ret "bar"

if a == b {
  // then
} else if foo {
  // otherwise
} else {
  // fallback

A particularity of Åtbe is the if ret syntax. The syntax is used to turn if/else statements into expressions. Similar to the ? (ternary) operator in other languages, or if/else statement pairs in Rust and Scala.

For if ret, the last statement in the body of both the then block and else block needs to have the same type as it will be used as a return value from either of the branches.


There are currently two types of loops available, while and until loops.

while/until cond expr


while true {
  // The while loop continues execution while the condition is true

until false {
  // The until loop continues execution until the condition is true

The two type of loops are basically opposites. For example, if your condition is while a != b it can be rewritten as until a == b.